Where do the Photo Sessions take place?

We bring it all to you!  Your Photo-Session will take place in the comfort of your own home!  Or, if that's not an option, we will go on location!  Hotels, Unique Private Properties, and Select Locations around the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles.  The location will be chosen to fit the unique style that we create for your Custom Photo-Session.

What’s the cost and what’s included?

The session fee is $400, which includes a Pre-Session consultation, Make-Up, the Photo-Session itself, custom crafted just for you, which includes multiple wardrobe changes, and Fully Edited Proofs to view so you can decide which products are best for you.  All the Digital Packages, and Fine Art Prints and Products are purchased separately, the average price ranges from $499 - $2250.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the experience.

Will my images be posted online?

Only if you give me permission!  Your privacy is extremely important to me, so your images will never be shared unless you give me specific written permission to do so.
I do love to share my work, so if you decide you want your images shared, then you will sign a model release just like all the other people on this site have done.

What if I don’t know how to pose?

That’s my job!  I will guide you through every pose, with very specific directions on where to put your eyes, your hips, your toes.

Will there be another woman there?

For Boudoir Sessions, Yes!  I only work with female Make-Up Artists, usually my wife Linda, who stays with us for the entire session to do touch-ups and assist with wardrobe, etc.

Do I have to get naked?

You can wear as little or as much clothing as you like.  While I will encourage you to move outside your comfort zone, what you wear, or don’t wear, is entirely up to you.  Boudoir photos, by nature, will have a sensuality to them, and many are sexually charged, but that can be achieved with or without clothes.  Attitude and posing is way more important than wardrobe.

What if I’m not in perfect shape?  Can I still do a Boudoir photo session?

Absolutely!  Everyone deserves to feel beautiful, regardless of age or size.  I will guide through only the most flattering poses and capture you as your beautiful self.

Do you photograph only women?  What about men?

I photograph women, men, and all other genders of all ages (over 21), shapes, sizes or orientation.

Do you do couples Sessions?

Yes!  It’s a wonderful and unique way to connect with your sweetheart and capture your love for each other that you will have for a lifetime.



